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5 Helpful Hints for Choosing a Realtor

Realtor shaking hands with buyer in front of a house.

Purchasing and or selling a home is a huge task but it doesn’t have to be a daunting one. The key is choosing the right realtor. We’ve put together a list of what to look for when choosing a realtor to make your experience the best it can be!

  1. Knowledge of the Area: Having an agent that has lived and worked in the area for a significant amount of time will be extremely beneficial, especially if moving from out of state or area. They will have the best insight as to what specific neighborhoods are like, how the housing market has been and be able to find not only the best house but also the best area for your wants/needs.
  2. Check Their Credentials: Real Estate Agents can have specialties such as Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES) who have additional training at helping homebuyers in the 50+ age range, or Military Specialist who have a better understanding of the processes and procedures with relocating. Choosing a specialist to fit your need will allow the agent to better assist you with questions you may have. House for Sale sign with a SOLD sign.
  3. Check Their Listings: While it may seem like an agent with a lot of listings is the popular choice, you want to be sure that your agent has time to make your listing or house hunt a priority. The more listings they have the less time they will have to spend on your needs. Agents should have a manageable amount of listings or you risk not being a priority.
  4. Experience: Find out how long they have been a realtor. If it has only been a few years, chances are, they are still figuring things out and the process may not be as smooth as someone who has been in the field longer. An agent fresh into the field will be learning on you and that is something you will want to consider if you are ok with.
  5. Couple signing a contract with their realtor.Personality: It is important that you find someone that is experienced but that you also mesh well with. A good agent will be in contact with you and you want to have a good feeling and be able to relate to them. Having that connection with the agent will build trust and you want to feel like the agent has your best interest in mind.

Finding an experienced and trustworthy real estate agent will go a long way in getting you the best deal no matter whether you are the buyer or seller. 

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